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Airport: Singapore Changi (SIN)


Current local time 17:35:04 Friday 21.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 08:00
Demand calculation 18:34:59 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 3
IATA Sub-Area South-Eastern Asia
Country Singapore
Continent East Asia
Runway 4,000 m
Airport size Very large airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 10
Slot Availability 88%
Min. transfer time 01:30h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions no noise restrictions


2025-02-21 05:20 UTC AIR GUANGDONG has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-21 04:59 UTC Tax-Free Shipping has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-20 07:28 UTC ThaiSkyAirlines has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-20 02:46 UTC Haihe Airlines has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-19 23:29 UTC AirDaz has opened a new station at Doha.
2025-02-19 23:29 UTC AirDaz has opened a new station at Dubai.
2025-02-19 16:08 UTC Malavia Hungary has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-19 10:46 UTC Nordic arrow has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-19 04:19 UTC Grand Masonic Travels has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-19 01:48 UTC Africa Zoom and PARADISE WINGS have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-19 01:48 UTC Oriental Air and PARADISE WINGS have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-18 05:11 UTC monocotyledonous has been founded in Singapore.
2025-02-17 19:30 UTC Sky Connect has opened a new station at Singapore.
2025-02-17 17:17 UTC Lion City Air has opened a new station at Cebu.
2025-02-17 17:17 UTC Lion City Air has opened a new station at Manado.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Aerosol 0 Departures
Africa Zoom 3 Departures
Air Cende 0 Departures
AIR GUANGDONG 7 Departures
Air NanKing 14 Departures
Air Pakistan 0 Departures
Air Summer 4 Departures
Air Suomi 3 Departures
Air Vista 14 Departures
AirDaz 151 Departures
All China Airline 0 Departures
AMFly HK 14 Departures
Ata Air 6 Departures
Auspicious Airways 7 Departures
Aussia Air 2 Departures
baba air 14 Departures
British Aqualantic 1 Departures
BudgetWings 2 Departures
CES 7 Departures
China Southwest United Airlines 7 Departures
China Xiamen Airline 14 Departures
CX Airlines 14 Departures
Dingo Air 0 Departures
EidgenossA Air 0 Departures
Fly Jaya Airlines 14 Departures
Goose Wings 0 Departures
Guangzhou Airline 14 Departures
Haihe Airlines 0 Departures
Hanjin Air 7 Departures
HK Dragon Airlines 35 Departures
Indo Airlines 7 Departures
IndoAir 0 Departures
Interstellar Airways 0 Departures
Japan Cargo 0 Departures
Japan Central Airlines 6 Departures
JapanAir 22 Departures
Jayline 7 Departures
John Cargo 13 Departures
Karination 7 Departures
ket 0 Departures
KinYongYe Airlines 0 Departures
Komodo Indonesia 21 Departures
Land of Oz 14 Departures
linggok 7 Departures
Lion City Air 245 Departures
LuxuryStar Airline 7 Departures
Malavia Hungary 1 Departures
Merdeka 90 Departures
monocotyledonous 0 Departures
MOTOVA AIRLINE 42 Departures
Nordfracht 1 Departures
Nordic arrow 0 Departures
OK AIrline 24 Departures
OLEN Air 7 Departures
Omanis Air 7 Departures
Oriental Air 7 Departures
PARADISE WINGS 176 Departures
Pioneer Fly 5 Departures
Quack 21 Departures
round the world Airline 56 Departures
SH AIRLINES 15 Departures
Shenzhen Virtual Airliines 0 Departures
SIX AIRLINES 6 Departures
Sky Connect 1 Departures
SKYBUM 0 Departures
SliverWings Air 3 Departures
Tax-Free Shipping 0 Departures
Teikoku Air 7 Departures
ThaiSkyAirlines 7 Departures
Zobbel Air 7 Departures