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Airport: Jakarta Soekarno Hatta (CGK)


Current local time 17:15:13 Friday 21.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 07:00
Demand calculation 13:35:04 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 3
IATA Sub-Area South-Eastern Asia
Region Jawa
Country Indonesia
Continent East Asia
Runway 3,659 m
Airport size Very large airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 9
Slot Availability 91%
Min. transfer time 01:30h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions no noise restrictions


2025-02-20 04:24 UTC Interstellar Airways has opened a new station at Jakarta.
2025-02-20 00:55 UTC HK Dragon Airlines has opened a new station at Jakarta.
2025-02-19 15:25 UTC kings has been founded in Jakarta.
2025-02-19 05:14 UTC Aussia Air has opened a new station at Jakarta.
2025-02-16 23:58 UTC Quack has opened a new station at Jakarta.
2025-02-16 20:45 UTC Air Lindberg has opened a new station at Yogyakarta.
2025-02-16 20:45 UTC Air Lindberg has opened a new station at Yogyakarta.
2025-02-16 20:45 UTC Air Lindberg has opened a new station at Surakarta.
2025-02-16 20:45 UTC Air Lindberg has opened a new station at Surabaya.
2025-02-16 20:45 UTC Air Lindberg has opened a new station at Semarang.
2025-02-16 20:44 UTC Air Lindberg has been founded in Jakarta.
2025-02-16 02:48 UTC Komodo Indonesia has opened a new station at Perth.
2025-02-15 13:36 UTC Ceo Airlines Cargo has opened a new station at Jakarta.
2025-02-15 11:21 UTC Komodo Indonesia has opened a new station at Medan.
2025-02-15 10:49 UTC Komodo Indonesia has opened a new station at Hong Kong International.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Air Lindberg 28 Departures
Air NanKing 7 Departures
Air Summer 0 Departures
AirDaz 7 Departures
All China Airline 3 Departures
Auspicious Airways 7 Departures
Aussia Air 2 Departures
Ceo Airlines 181 Departures
Ceo Airlines Cargo 22 Departures
Fine Airline 7 Departures
Fly Jaya Airlines 371 Departures
Goose Wings 0 Departures
HK Dragon Airlines 7 Departures
IndoAir 7 Departures
Interstellar Airways 0 Departures
JapanAir 9 Departures
Jayline 7 Departures
Karination 3 Departures
kings 0 Departures
Komodo Indonesia 47 Departures
Land of Oz 7 Departures
Lion City Air 16 Departures
LuxuryStar Airline 7 Departures
OK AIrline 14 Departures
PARADISE WINGS 14 Departures
Quack 7 Departures
round the world Airline 6 Departures
SkyBali 0 Departures
SliverWings Air 7 Departures
Tolol Airlines 0 Departures
Zobbel Air 7 Departures